A Very Good Place to Start

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"better than a water gun!"

Jessica reminded me about this video that I took on our family vacation.  She wants me to post it so that she has a pick-me-up while studying for the NCLEX (nursing exam) this week.  Wish her luck... she takes it on Friday!

In the meantime, goofy fun with the Garbers, with lots of giggles from Lena.  This is probably my favorite Lena video ever. :-)


  1. i've literally done practice questions and watched this between my breaks. greaaaaat study break :) she makes me laugh!!

  2. Aaahhhh!! Who is my favorite baby? She is! She is!

  3. Look intimidating. If you run or cringe, they will exploit your apparent weaknesses, stay calm, dodge at the last second, and most of all, nab your opponents' gun


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