A Very Good Place to Start

Monday, February 13, 2012

playing with her daddy

My brother-in-law has informed me that he is going through Lena-withdrawal because my "blog has turned into a food blog!!!"  Duly noted.

So, to kick off the week celebrating a little more of Lena on this blog, here's a fun video from last week of Lena's new favorite game to play with her dad.

P.S. I love how she tucks in her hands to his chest!  This is what she does when she's snuggling into us: tucks her hands in front of her and lays her head down on our chest.  I guess she was too preoccupied with her game to lay her head down this time.  Oh, I love that little muffin!


  1. aw. little Cindy Lou Who hair! Elliott is kind-of scary-dead looking though.

  2. I know... sigh. One of us is always looking slightly ridiculous in every video I have, and so I haven't posted that many. And then I thought--no! transparency and ridiculousness are good! And so hopefully there will be more videos, of more reality, and maybe a little charming cuteness in there as well. :-)


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