A Very Good Place to Start

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lena's tricks

I thought you might like to see a few things that our little 9.5-month-old munchkin is up to these days.

She is learning to walk with her little walker, pushing it up and down our balcony and crashing into things every 5 seconds.  It makes me think she'll take after my driving skills instead of her papa's...

She can now also stand for about 0.5 seconds before quickly sitting down, usually accompanied by a nervous laugh that communicates something along the lines of, "I know what you guys are up to and I don't think so!"

And she's really into hanging upside down.  And playing with her favorite toy (my retractable tape measure) while doing so.

She's also learning to go down the stairs backwards, which is pretty adorable.  Maybe I'll take a video when she's mastered the skill and I don't have to reach out and grab her every few seconds. 

(P.S. As I quickly wrote this, Lena woke up from her nap.  I got her up and then tried to quickly finish this post, and she meanwhile grabbed a pen and wrote on her mouth with it.  Never a dull moment.  Off to do some clean up...!)


  1. What a darling little granddaughter...learning new tricks every day!

  2. What a champ! Jesh had that same walker and he did the same thing with sitting down slowly when we tried to get him to stand or walk. All in their own time I guess!


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