A Very Good Place to Start

Thursday, October 20, 2011

picnic lunch

Elliott came home for a long lunch yesterday and could hardly bear to come indoors.

"It's so beautiful outside!  Let's go for a picnic!"

We packed food for ourselves and--bravely--packed some for Lena, too.  Down the River Walk we went until we came to a patch of soft grass next to the dam.

We had mashed some peas for Lena using the handy-dandy food grinder that my dear friend (and wonderful photographer!) Ana Marie gave me.  So the whole family dug into our picnic lunch.

Lena took a bite of peas...

The smart kid knows that homemade pizza is better than smooshed peas any day!

I fed her a little rice cereal after that, which always goes down pretty gracefully.

After we all finished eating (and gagging), I knitted for awhile as Elliott read a National Geographic article aloud with Lena.  Our little picnic was such a peaceful interlude in the middle of a regular old day.  Bring on this beautiful autumn weather, Texas!


  1. I love the look she's giving him in that last picture!

  2. Lena. Poppy here. I still have that reaction with mooshed peas.

  3. last photo of lena looking at dad is so precious

  4. I totally agree with David. I also like the one of her trying to take the pizza.


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