A Very Good Place to Start

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

down by the river

The other day Elliott couldn't come home for lunch (he usually can, believe it or not!) and so Lena and I were left to our own imaginations about how to pass the afternoon.  We both needed a break from being cooped up inside for so long.  Eventually I packed a bag, put Lena in the baby carrier, and set off down the River Walk.

We found a stone bench along the walk and decided to relax there for awhile.  Lena went to town reaching for any fallen leaves or flowers she could reach. She's getting so good at rocking on her hands and knees or lifting herself up onto her hands and feet.  Still hasn't figured out how to use her hands and knees together to crawl, though.  I'm counting my blessings while she's stuck in one place!

We'd chosen such a peaceful time of day, but the River Walk is never quiet.  Every minute or so someone walked or jogged by with dogs or friends or music.  This kept little Lena's head moving back and forth as each amazing new person passed by.

I, meanwhile, worked on the Knitting Project I Am Not Proud Of, which perhaps I'll share with you tomorrow.  I did finally manage to finish it the same day that these pictures were taken and so that's a relief.  But it's taught me an important lesson about spending too much time creating things out of inferior materials. 

Lena's lying on a patchwork afghan I knitted for her before she was born, and I also just finished a shrug-style sweater for her the other day.  It's getting cooler in San Antonio... finally!

Don't you just want to cuddle this little muffin?


  1. What a wonderful leisurely post. Wants me to jump in my Segway and zoom down there for poppy time. I love reading about all your daily adventures--the natural ingredients for rich desserts. Hugsies to all! Pai

  2. We miss you, Poppy! Thank you for sharing Grammie with us soon!

  3. oh my goodness i LOVE the first picture. she looks SO happy!


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